

Monday, April 27, 2015

Baby Love

 Baby Love

As sincerely as I intend to make more art, to find the time for creativity and to channel myself back into writing (and I will, I promise) - I keep getting sidetracked by my baby love.  Now that we have moved nearer to our Ezra, we simply must be with him more and you can see why.  This precious light is in those magical years, those years when all the world is new, all possibilities are open to him, where everyday is a discovery and life is an adventure to embrace.  Watching him discover life and all its wonder is like being born anew.  Everything is special, everything can be made fun, love is abundant and freely given and received.  No matter what other responsibilities beckon both my husband and myself, we can set them aside when Ezra is with us, we can share in the joy of life in the moment.

When he was coming into the world, I saw my role in his life as that of spiritual mentor and guide to love and joy, but I can see now that I had it backwards. He leads us. He is love incarnate. He is joy. He is light. He does not have to seek anywhere to find it, it is fully in him as it is in all children. What a gift to the world a child truly is.

1 comment:

  1. Children are a joy and a guiding light for us. Feeling the love you have for him in your words. Beautiful.
